Explored Carmel by the Sea with its many wine bars, fine dining (that are dog-friendly) and art galleries. Enjoyed walks on the beach and exploring the local attractions. We didn’t stay at a hotel there, so no recommendations on lodging.
Below are recommendations on how to have a great couple day trip to Carmel!
Pebble Beach17 Mile Drive Scenic Tour – pass by beautiful estates and world-class golf courses including Cypress, Pebble Beach, and Spanish BayMonterey Aquarium – one of best in the world
Point Lobos Natural Reserve – great hikes and viewsRestaurants:Sit outside at the Forge for dinner or lunch
Little Napoli or Bicylette for Italian
Best burger ever at the Tap Room in Pebble Beach.
You can also have a hot chocolate outside at the Lodge overlooking the 18th hole sitting outside by a fire
Explore one of the 15+ wine bars
Dinner or drinks at Clint Eastwood’s Mission Ranch often featuring music
Twilight cocktail on the rooftop bar of Vesuvio Restaurant on 6yh and Junipero St.
A drink at the Hyatt Pacific’s Edge restaurant which has a picture window where you can watch the whales depending on the time of year.
Picnic on the Beach at Sunset:Cheese and wine to bring to the beach from The Cheese Shop on Junipero St.
Stroll along Ocean and don’t miss the newly renovated shops in Carmel Plaza Shopping Center
Shops not to miss include Carmel Bay Company (great sweaters and scarves upstairs) and Cottage of Sweets to bring a treat home to your favorite sweet tooth.Numerous galleries all over Ocean and the side streets.
For a short trip to explore more shopping and dining explore the Carmel Crossroads, a short drive away
If you head to Monterey, before the aquarium grab a great breakfast at First Awakenings for breakfast and walk down to see the seals by the wharf.
Carmel Valley is a 20-30 minute drive and there are great boutiques, olive oil tastings, and wine bars. It is a great day trip as sometimes the weather is nicer there if Carmel by the Sea is foggy.