Are You Itching to GoGo?

When discussing how Covid has affected the world of travel, a friend commented ‘The travel restrictions are really messing with my GoGo years!” Your GoGo years? I had to know more. And once she described the ‘GoGo…SloGo…NoGo’ theory I knew it was one I had to share. 

The lack of ability to travel during Covid is by no means the greatest hardship when compared with ways lives are being affected, but the sudden cancelations of planned vacations, the missed or postponed weddings, the reunions that Zoom can not do justice to and the inability to plan ahead and have the pleasure of anticipating a trip has taken its toll on many. And that brings us to my friend’s GoGo travel theory, and how Covid is putting a damper on it. 

The GoGo Years

Starting in their 50s (sooner for some, later for others) and through their 60s many people begin having more free/flexible time as their children leave the nest and career obligations become more flexible. In addition, one’s 50s/60s can be a time of increased disposable income as college tuition payments have ended and the kids are no longer on the ‘family payroll’. After decades focused on raising kids and building careers, those entering their 50s/60s often start to focus more on themselves, on their spouses (with whom they are often alone for the first time in decades) and on friendships. And this new stage often includes travel with each of these groups. This gang is ready to GoGo! 

The GoGos take the trips that have been put off over the years due to family obligations, work conflicts, and lack of time or money. Whether it’s a quick girlfriends/guys/couples weekend getaway, or a big bucket list item, many people start packing their suitcases in their 50s, and continue doing so well into their 60s and beyond.  The GoGo group is still healthy, mobile, and full of energy to make spur of the moment excursions or big adventures become realities. They can pick up and go, traveling with friends or a spouse after many years of raising kids and having priorities focused at home.  

Another travel opportunity open to the GoGos is traveling with their adult children. With their kids now becoming ‘adults’, family trips have an entirely new dynamic. Enjoying a glass of wine with your children in Italy after a beautiful hiking or sightseeing may be much more relaxing than trying to keep track of them as toddlers at Disneyworld. Plus, such a trip gives you the gift of getting to know your children as adults, before they become parents themselves and no longer have the flexibility to spend unencumbered time with you. (Plus, they are more than willing to go if you agree to pay the bill). 

The SloGo Years

As travelers approach their 70s, some may slow down a bit due to a few more aches and pains. Thus the 70s are the SloGo years.  The SloGo group is still 100% up for traveling but instead of climbing in the Swiss alps or rafting down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, they may choose to do a gentler bike trip in France or take an Alaskan cruise. Children and their spouses/partners may join a trip, or perhaps grandchildren as well. There is still so much to explore and do at this age, and taking it a bit slower just opens up a world of new unexplored experiences. 

The NoGo Years

The final part of the ‘GoGo theory’ is that as they enter their 80s some travelers become sidelined due to health or other issues and, forced to slow or stop their travel, they enter the NoGo years. Travel may be more local, more family oriented or involve others coming to them. Not to say by any means that everyone in their 80s can’t travel, but just to acknowledge that things may slow considerably for some and thus it’s good to plan for that and get as much traveling done before then as possible. That way, if you can continue to travel into your 80s it’s all bonus! 

CovNoGo. So What To Do? 

The friend I was speaking with had just entered her 50’s, had just launched her children from college and pre-Covid had trips on the calendar. She was ready to be a GoGo! And then Covid hit (she and her husband both had it early in pandemic), all travel was canceled or put on pause, one of the kids moved back home, her husband was working from home. Without warning she had become a CovNoGo. She knew it was a temporary thing, but was frustrated none-the-less. 

It’s one thing to not be able to travel, and it’s even worse to not have anything to look forward to. A  2002 study done by the University of Surrey found that people are happiest when they have a vacation to look forward to. Likewise, a Cornell University study in 2014 concluded that anticipating an experience, like a trip, can increase happiness (more so than anticipating a material good). So the fact that someone entering their GoGo years not only can’t GoGo, but also has no trips to look forward to, it’s understandable that they feel frustrated and let down. So what to do?

Just planning a trip can get a GoGo feeling like there is hope again. Now that the vaccine is rolling out why not get something on the calendar?Make sure that flights and reservations are changeable/flexibly, take advantage of some of the great deals currently being offered and book away. The GoGo years will be back and in full force before we know it (fingers crossed), and having a trip on the calendar to look forward to is proven to increase happiness, so why not? 

So whether you are a GoGo, a SloGo, or any other age traveler, get ready to go! (But don’t forget to pack your mask)


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Picture of Chrissie Kremer
Chrissie Kremer

I am a mixed bag traveler - I go the budget route on some things and splurge on others. I love family adventure travel, trips with girlfriends, or solo trips with my kids. I like urban exploration but prefer it coupled with outdoor activity (and when traveling with my kids it's more outdoor activity coupled with a dose of urban). I have been to 62 countries... and counting.

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  • Carolyn


    February 16, 2021

    I love this theory and will be adding to my vocabulary!

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Picture of Chrissie Kremer
Chrissie Kremer

I am a mixed bag traveler - I go the budget route on some things and splurge on others. I love family adventure travel, trips with girlfriends, or solo trips with my kids. I like urban exploration but prefer it coupled with outdoor activity (and when traveling with my kids it's more outdoor activity coupled with a dose of urban). I have been to 62 countries... and counting.


and receive the “Carry On Only Packing Guide”, free.